Dragon Hill Publishing
Dragon Hill Publishing is a book publishing company located in Edmonton, Alberta, established in 1993. Our aim is to produce and market books to the popular adult and youth markets for Canada that help individuals better understand themselves and their place in the community, as well as literature that increases understanding and tolerance among various individuals and cultures.
Dragon Hill Publishing Ltd. is a proud member of the Book Publishers Association of Alberta.
Produced with the assistance of the Government of Alberta.
Argenta Press
Over the past few years, we have been developing Argenta Press, an imprint of Dragon Hill Publishing. Argenta Press provides a more focused outlet for the literary market—including Canadian western folklore, literary titles, art books, biographies and autobiographies, high-quality children’s books, fiction and books that explore the deeper roots of the Canadian experience.
Mobius Books
In 2015, Dragon Hill established the Mobius Books imprint. For some time, it had been our plan to release titles of a spiritual or self-help nature. In 2015 we launched our first title in this genre, The Intelligence of Love: Manifesting Your Being in This World.
Three Principles Publishing
In 2017, we devised the Three Principles Publishing imprint to fit a single book—The Secret of Love. Although in the self-help genre, this title needed to be set apart as it follows the principles of philosopher Sydney Banks and a wide range of psychologists, lecturers and therapists.