Ready to Share your Story?

At Dragon Hill, the focus is on biographies, histories and other works dedicated to a regional sense of place or a given community’s sense of heritage. We suggest you look at books we already have published for a better sense of what might appeal to us.

If you have a manuscript for which you feel we might be an appropriate fit to our mandate, please send a book proposal package by email to the Editorial Director.

Editorial Director
Dragon Hill Publishing Ltd.


Cover Letter: Your cover letter should describe the proposed book and its unique features. Describe who would buy it, and why you should write it. Include a short résumé describing your qualifications and listing other publications if applicable. Include a description of competing works, if any. Will you provide photos or illustrations or maps?

The Submission: Attach a draft table of contents, a few sample chapters to give us a taste of your writing style and an opportunity to become interested in the content, copies of sample illustrations—no originals—and a stamped, self-addressed envelope if you wish to use the postal system and want the material returned. Do not send cash or a cheque to cover return postage. Do not send the complete manuscript and do not send original artwork or any irreplaceable material. We will not assume any responsibility for the safety of any of the materials. Keep a copy of your submission.

Other Considerations: Typos, careless presentation, grammatical errors and sloppiness are all taken into consideration in a book proposal, as well as marketability and cost of production. Ensure you have obtained copyright permission to use any materials that are not your own creation.

Response to Submissions: Dragon Hill will let you know—generally within a few months—whether or not your book proposal interests us. If it doesn’t, you’ll receive a letter and the returned package of material if postage was included. Please be patient; replies sometimes take several months owing to volume. Please do not phone inquiring about the status of your book proposal. An e-mailed submission will receive a response by e-mail. We do not reply to multiple submissions.